
Siteitä ja Murtumia

31.10.2024 — 24.11.2024

OpenTue, Thu, Fri 12-5pm,
Wed 12-6pm, Sat 11-4pm,

Sun 12-4pm

1.11. 11-15

2.11. 12-16

Erottajankatu 9 B
00130 Helsinki

Näyttely tarkastelee sitoutumista, pieniä ja suuria säröjä, sekä haalistuneita pintoja. Teoksia tehdessä olen ajatellut luopumista ja irti päästämistä, korjaamista ja hauraaseen nojaamista. Toisin sanoen suhteita ja muutosta, jonka keskellä elämme.

Utställningen undersöker vad det innebär att höra samman, sprickor och förbleknande ytor, relationer och den förändring som vi omges av.

The exhibition explores cracks and fading surfaces, belonging and bindings, relations in the change that surrounds us.

~Allt ska bort!~

This exhibition explores alternative communities and healing processes in a society where people are forced to sell their souls.

Ami-Ro Sköld shows their critically acclaimed film Butiken, which depicts the conflicts that arise when a profit-hungry system pressures people to the extreme.

Katxerê Medina's video performance Terraplanada highlights the dancing body as resistance to the invasion of nature reserves in her native Brazil.

The eco-activist theme is prominent in Vilma Määttänen's paintings created from pigments extracted from minerals and plants.

Vernissage 23/9/2023 15:00 - 21:00

May Birds Build
and other tales from the age of dissolvement

The Nordic countries are today moving towards a more controlled built environment. Creative self-driven places that previously have been able to exist in the undefined spaces, are threatened with densification and exploitation. The city wants to clean up what doesn’t fit into the clean, tidy image it wants to display. What happens when a bird settles on a balcony?

The age of dissolvement is a concept we use as a starting point in the exhibition. It helps us to describe the time we find ourselves in today.
We are an artist duo @vilmamaat and @perviktor.hj working for the past ten years with a sculpture called The Moving Castle @wagonsculpture. Among other things, the sculpture examines questions about improvisation in architecture and construction, as well as the rigid bureaucratic processes that determine how we get to live and build.
In 2018, The Moving Castle got into a bureaucratic process with the municipality and is today prohibited to enter. Despite the prohibition, the sculpture is inhabited by birds, bumblebees and other living beings.

In the exhibition May birds build - and other stories from the age of the dissolvement, Bubblan is transformed into a room where images can be linked together and make space for new stories to emerge.

On Saturday from 19.00 Performance Evening with dissolved stories by:
Joel Heirås, Erika Webe, Mauritz Tistelö, Klara Wenner Tångring, PerViktor Hjalmarsson

Saturday 26/11 at 11-17
Performance evening at 19 -
Sunday 27/11 at 11-17

Bubblan i Kajskjul 46
Fiskhamnsgatan 41 B
Majorna, Gothenburg


Saturday, September 14, 2019 

3:00 PM 7:00 PM

Gloria's 454 Seneca AvenueRidgewood, NY 11385

Vilma Määttänen and Iida Pii

Please join Gloria's in celebrating the conclusion of our first collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki. Artists-in-Residence Vilma Määttänen and Iida Pii will be hosting walkthroughs of their studios and discussing works created over the course of their three-week residency.

Welcome to join the final meeting of a series of dialogues on togetherness, sharing and collaboration as acts of resistance and rebellion

This series of dialogical discussion events offers spaces for togetheness and free thinking, spaces where we can share experiences of hope and resilience, take a time-out and imagine another reality. The aims are to explore the topic of togetherness and collaboration as acts of resistance and rebellion, and widen our understanding of the current societal structures and social conditioning that is keeping us isolated and separated from each other, ourselves and the non-human world.

The first two whole day discussion meetings were held at Wagonhill collective, on Sun Aug 4th and Wed Aug 21st. On Sat Aug 24th at 12-16 o’clock a final discussion event is held in Helsinki, at the Project Room Gallery (Lönnrotinkatu 35).

This event is open for anyone, including the participants of the first two sessions and new people. The dialogues are hosted by Pauliina Helle, Timo Järvensivu, Vilma Määttänen and the living collective Wagonhill. The events are free of charge. We look forward to hearing your voice! The events are part of the Paulo Foundations annual invitational exhibition executed together with the Academy of fine Arts. "Together. Differently." 9.–25.8. Exhibition Laboratory Project Room (Lönnrotinkatu 35) and other temporary locations. Find out more about the exhibition and events: Together.Differently.


Fri/Pe, August/elokuu 9, 2019 - 11:00 - Sun/Su, August/elokuu 25, 2019 - 18:00

Project Room Lönnrotinkatu 35, 00180 Helsinki




14.6. - 28.7.2019

Avoinna klo 12-18,

Avajaiset 14.6.2019 klo 19.00

Taidetalo Nahkuri, Keskuskatu 25, Kärsämäki

Kuvan Kevät 2019:

Uniarts Helsinki's Academy of Fine Arts MFA Degree Show/Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemian maisterinäyttely

Näyttelyn avajaiset perjantaina 3.5. klo 16–20 Exhibition Laboratoryssa ja Project Roomissa/Exhibition opening on Friday, May 3, 4–8pm in Exhibition Laboratory and Project Room.